The easiest way to order Flypers is directly from our website. However, to save on shipping costs you can also find a distributor near to you. Please see the following details and get in touch with them.
Chava Sonnier
USA – California
Phone: 3372502230
Or private message her on facebook: Chava Sonnier
(With every purchase you make through Chava, she will donate to Chicago Pigeon Pets Rescue and Palomacy Pigeon and Dove rescue.)
Erika Wilson
Ontario, Toronto
Phone: 647-882-9693
Or private message her on Facebook (Erika Wilson)
Mary Stevens
USA – Washington State
Phone: 425-321-4642
Or PM on Facebook: Mary Stevens
Bev Letard
South Africa
Riverside Veterinary Clinic – South Africa (Durban)
South Africa
Dr Kerry Easson
62 Soofie Saheb Drive, Durban North, South Africa
Phone: 031 563 6565
Bird and Exotic Animal Hospital
South Africa
Onderstepoort Veterinary Academic Hospital, Soutpan Rd, Onderstepoort, Pretoria
Phone: 012 529 8105
Facebook: Bird and Exotic Animal Hospital